
Citations or Nap in regards to Local SEO

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What is a Citation / Nap?

“Citation” stands for a reference to your business and a “NAP” stands for Name, Address, Phone. Each are basically just mentions of your business name and address on other websites.  Even if there is no link to your website, each citations gives you a little bit of credibility to the search engines. An example of a citation/Nap might be online yellow page directory, or online review site where your business is listed, but not linked to. Citations can also be found on chamber of commerce pages, or on a local business association pages that include your business information, such as a members list.

Citations are an important piece of the ranking algorithm in Google, Bing, and Yahoo (Powered by Bing). All other factors being the same, the business with a larger number of citations will probably rank significantly higher than the business with none.

How to Get Citations
Citations can be found in many places on the web but here are a the most common places.
  • Data aggregators (There are four primary aggregates of local business data. Infogroup, Neustar Localeze, Acxiom, and Factual according to ).
  • Local search engines  (Local search is the use of specialized Internet search engine that allow users to limit the results to a geographically constrained area)
  • Local blogs
  • Locally focused directories (Two examples of terrific locally focused directories are Best of the Web’s Regional Directory and Yahoo’s Regional Directory.)
  • Industry-focused directories or blogs



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